The Droughtmaster Project
The Droughtmaster project is designed to bring water security to the Northern Riverina region of New South Wales. Developed by Plains Water Ltd.
- Pipeline linking Murrumbidgee and Lachlan catchments
- Proposed to be funded as a Public-Private Partnership
- Treatments plant/s as required
- Arboreal sequestration, so project is carbon neutral, or better
Development of land assets for social and affordable housing, and worker accommodation.
PPP Process
- The NSW Government has asked that the infrastructure project proceeds as a Public- Private Partnership (PPP) under the NSW Unsolicited Proposals framework.
- This process provides co-funding support from government generating a regulated return as an essential service monopoly.
- The project team is well equipped to proceed under this framework with the project having previously lodged an application and been invited to proceed.
- Without a successful outcome under this framework, the project is not likely to extend to the Lachlan catchment.
Goal Alignment
Project Goals align with Government Strategies, Objectives and Goals
- Facilitates regional macroeconomic growth
- Reverses population decline
- Provides a significant level of permanent jobs creation
- Allows sustainability & resilience of local communities
- Facilitates Aboriginal empowerment outcomes
- Increases food security and productivity
- Improves water security for new mining developments
- Attracts new investment into the NSW Riverina